Important tips to increase the life of your surgical instruments

Several hospitals and healthcare institutes purchase surgical instruments that cost millions of dollars. It’s quite obvious that such a huge investment calls for the right handling and taking care of these instruments so that the lifespan of these instruments can be extended. Here are a few tips to consider if you wish you don\’t have to spend hundreds of dollars each time you’re going to use these tools. Taking proper care of these instruments would also enhance the efficiency and durability of these products.

Residue removal

Cleaning the instrument after it is being used is crucial. Users must ensure that there is no stain or residue left on the instrument. The improper cleaning can cause harsh stains or even pit on these tools that would ultimately lead to deterioration of the product. Moreover, the leftover stain or residue such as blood, body fluid or dirt, etc. remains over time, it becomes more difficult to clean them. Also, the residue can cause oxidization of the instrument which would affect the performance of these tools.

Careful handling and storage

It is essential to handle and store surgical instruments properly and carefully because they are indeed very delicate pieces. When storing, do notalign your instruments in the storage box in such a way that they are put over each other because that can lead to breakage or damage to these delicate tools. Also, do not store heavy instruments with smaller instruments. It’s advisable to keep these instruments in neutral hydrogen ion concentration for a better cleanup for about half an hour. Afterward, you can clean these tools with cold water, pat dries them with a clean towel, and store them in a bag with an autoclave seal/tape. The autoclave tape has a unique property that helps it turn into brown color from orange color once it has reached the appropriate temperature for sterilization.

Rigorous testing and inspection

The healthcare staff needs to keep a keen eye to inspect the instruments now and then thoroughly. They should look for the damaged or broken parts of the instruments and check whether they can be used in the operation theatres or not. This way, hurdles during surgeries can be avoided and the procedure can be done smoothly. Here are a few indicators one should look up to:

  • Check if the hemostat is unlocked and locked easily
  • Check for any loose joints in hemostats and scissors
  • There should be no chips in the bladed instruments and they must be very sharp
  • To check if the needle holder is torn, put it up to the light, if there is a space/gap then it means the tool is worn

Use cold water for cleaning

It’s important to clean your instruments with cold water. Hot water can be damaging for these tools as it might cause the coagulation of the material holding enough protein. To clean the products well, enzymatic detergent can be used that will help the proteins to break down into oil and get dissolved easily.

Reprocessing should be done timely

Try not to delay the reprocessing procedure right after the use of surgical instruments. It will not only increase the longevity of the tool but will also boost its efficiency. Otherwise, the instrument might get you with low performance and adverse effects on its performance.

Avoid inappropriate use of instruments

Healthcare staff and professionals should avoid the inappropriate use of instruments in surgical sites and should always use the tools for the procedure they are designed. They should also be cautious when they are handling the instruments while cleaning and sterilizing them. Using the tools inappropriately can abruptly damage the tool and decrease its lifespan as well. With proper care and considering the tips mentioned above, your surgical instruments can last for an extended time. Also, the quality of the product matters the most when it comes to its durability. So, don’t forget to check out our page for premium quality products that can save you from wasting hundreds of bucks on low-quality products. We assure you won’t be disappointed!

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About the Author

Hidayatul Haq

He is a seasoned SEO professional with three years of experience, currently leading the SEO team at Acheron Instruments. As a top-rated freelancer on Upwork and Fiverr, he has successfully completed numerous projects, consistently delivering exceptional results.

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